Daily Forecast Virgo 08-07


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

While you’re waiting for the universe to catch up with what you want to do, make plans. Sticking to your routine will be far easier than breaking out of it now even if you’re in the mood for change. You can spend this time wisely by deciding what your next move will be. This makes much more sense than just sitting there tapping your fingers on the table. Or you can make excuses. That’s not really a choice, is it?

Singles Lovescope

Powerful energy flows your way today, so get up, get out, and get busy! By late in the day, though, you might feel more like curling up for a nap.

Couple Lovescope

Get physical! Grab your partner and head to the park. Motivation is a lot easier to come by when your mate is running next to you. Try a one-on-one sport like tennis.


Assisting others is satisfying but you have to take care of yourself today. You don’t have to lavish yourself with luxuries or treat yourself like royalty, but you do have to put your own needs before anyone else’s for a change.



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