Daily Forecast Virgo 08-14


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

All you have to do when faced with a challenge today is concentrate! Keep your eye on the ball and you’ll be sure to win. The goal you have in your sights right now is yours to lose, so don’t worry about anyone taking the power out of your hands or ruining things for you. Just to make yourself feel better, try to avoid flighty people who say one thing and do another. You don’t need them adding to your frustration level even if they’re harmless.

Singles Lovescope

Is verbal sparring your idea of a good time? Do you feel excited by the thought of a good debate? You need to find someone whose way of romancing involves showing off their vocabulary. When you find yourself at a loss for words, you’ll know you found the right one.

Couple Lovescope

You may be caught up in your interior world just a little too much, so try to make sure you open up to your partner. The more you do, the better you’ll feel about the situation.


You’re generous to a fault today. Try not to put all of your boundless energy into helping someone in need, because they’ll take all you have to give and then some. As soon as you draw the line, they’re suddenly feeling better, so being a bottomless pit is not really doing them any favors anyway.



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