Capricorn Daily Forecast
If you like what someone is doing or saying today, show them how much you admire them! Your ego will get a boost from the act of praising someone else, so go ahead and do it. Not only will you make their day, you will also give them some much-needed support. Just because you see that someone is talented doesn’t mean that anyone else does. Don’t hide how you feel. Wouldn’t you like to know if someone thought you were fantastic? There’s no point in not being totally open.
You have very specific needs, to be sure, but what makes you think there isn’t anyone out there who suits them? It might only look like a mismatch at first, so look again.
If you keep losing or misplacing things today, don’t panic. All your dreaming about future plans with your honey has left you a little distracted in the present.
There’s no point in all of your good ideas if you never follow through with any of them. The last thing you want etched on your tombstone is ‘I could have been a contender’. Start taking baby steps toward making your financial goals a reality.