Aquarius Daily Forecast
Money might be the only thing on your mind right now. You could spend hours poring over your bank records, past and present. Are you trying to find some sort of encrypted secret in there? Make sure you don’t dream up a secret message when there isn’t one. You don’t want to go running off to a desert island hunting for pirate treasure that only exists in your mind. If a trusted friend or relative tries to give you advice, don’t turn it down.
Let your extravagant side out. Demand that everything be larger than life and behave outrageously. Meanwhile, keep an eye out for someone who likes your style.
Feeling comfortable together is a big part of a successful relationship, but it’s important not to get too settled. Get something started. Take a class together or plan your next big trip.
You can’t expect to carry the world on your shoulders forever. No one is strong enough to hold up under the financial burdens you are laboring under. Ask your friends for some help; they’ll be happy to extend it.