Daily Forecast Virgo 08-22


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

It’s time to lavish yourself with the positive attention you deserve and put some energy into the most important person in your life: you! It’s a great day to splurge on a gift you’ve long wanted, treat yourself to a nice bath, or take a long nap! You might even want to celebrate yourself in a dramatic way by scheduling a day off to use however you wish. Every once in a while you need to give yourself some quality loving whether other people are giving it to you or not.

Singles Lovescope

Your first choice of meeting place may be closed. Things don’t work out quite as you had planned, but if you stay flexible, you could find yourself enjoying a very different but still really fun time. As long as you’re in good company, who cares where you end up?

Couple Lovescope

Actively practice kindness toward your partner and yourself. That means watching your thoughts. When you find your mind spinning into anxious or repetitious thoughts, take a step back and calm down.


Easy cash and good times — it couldn’t go on forever. Even if all you bought was a large screen TV, you were a partner in the romance. And you’re in for the heartache now that the affair is over.



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