Daily Forecast Pisces 08-24


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

While walking down the street or driving in your car today, you could feel a sense of peace in your solitude. Expand this feeling. Keep to yourself as much as you can today. It’s a good idea to move away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the world right now. There are trivial pressures that shouldn’t be your concern, and it’s too easy to get your priorities mixed up. You’re in a highly suggestible phase of life, and you should count on your own compass for guidance.

Singles Lovescope

If anyone tries to sell you a surefire scheme guaranteed to win the heart and mind of anybody you fancy, be cautious. Only a fool in love and their common sense are so easily parted.

Couple Lovescope

If you thought yesterday was a good day to get organized, today you could be in for a surprise. It’s possibly an even better day to put all your stuff in order. For both of you!


You know a high energy day when you see one, or feel one, as the case may be. You’re not wasting a drop of it. The phrase ‘make hay while the sun shines’ was coined just for you.



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