Leo Daily Forecast
Are you worried that there is too much happening in your life right now? Think about those days that are filled with boredom and how difficult they can be, and then consider yourself lucky that you are being kept so active and busy right now. Try to be grateful for your jam-packed schedule. There are many people who would trade places with you in an instant. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Be content with how things are right now.
You’ve got power and passion to burn, and others are finding you flaming hot. Use the key of confidence to unlock virtually any romantic door, then walk right on in like you own the place.
Nothing is going to get in the way of you enjoying your time with your loved one today. Order takeout so you can maximize the amount of time you have for snuggling on the sofa.
Being opinionated is the exact opposite of being intellectual, and you have confused the two. If you can’t see all sides of a debate and be willing to change your mind, you’re not the big thinker you imagine yourself to be. Don’t invest based solely on today’s opinion.