Taurus Daily Forecast
If you have any upcoming travel plans, make sure you have all the details finalized today. Confirm dates and locations, double-check routes and travel times. There could be a change that causes you to rethink one aspect of your trip. Check in with any travel companions and make sure they’re ready. You can’t take anything for granted. And if this is going to be a solo journey, make sure you’ve got a copy of your itinerary you can leave with someone, just in case.
Instead of talking about material stuff, make a conscious effort to discuss bigger issues like your philosophy or feelings. You should get further faster, and it’s much more interesting.
Let your partner make the big decisions today, not because it’s their turn but because you can’t be bothered. You might be wrapped up in issues that transcend day-to-day life.
You can’t expect fun or romance if you don’t even understand the people in your life. Spend some time thinking about those around you. The insights you glean from listening are worth more than gold to you.