Daily Forecast Virgo 09-08


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Your charm is usually quite handy, but today it could really open up a lot of exciting doors for you, especially if you’re going to be dealing with people from other cultures. Sure, initially there might be a little bit of a communication gap, but you’ll have a way of overcoming it with a smile and other nonverbal cues. You’re in an excellent position to affect your travel in the future and do some research about where you want to explore next.

Singles Lovescope

You like a little conflict — it keeps things spicy and keeps your interest. But a little is a little, and more than that is too much. Watch that some interplay doesn’t turn to antagonism.

Couple Lovescope

Anyone who engages in a power struggle with you will have to be willing to wait you out (and it could be a long wait). Don’t let this happen with your partner now. Waiting is so dull.


The papers before you are getting your fur up. Each new total has you shouting in surprise and anger. You can shout at them all you want as long as no one else is in earshot. Just don’t kid yourself that mathematics cares about your anger.



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