Daily Forecast Virgo 09-10


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

If anybody is famous for being psychic, it’s you. So when someone new crosses your path, especially if it’s under coincidental circumstances, you pay special attention to everything about them. That’s unless you’re being distracted by something else you’re famous for: romance. Both are due to come your way soon, and yes, it might be via the same person. Stay on your toes. This is your official notice.

Singles Lovescope

It’s always hard not to take romantic setbacks personally, but right now you have to do whatever it takes to brush it off. It may take a little effort, but you can do it. Talk it over with a good friend.

Couple Lovescope

You are blessed with the ability to find the positive in any situation. When your partner has to change your plans, you’re momentarily disappointed, but you quickly recover. An impromptu night chatting with your friends could be a happy alternative.


You know how to pull different types of energy out of your hat for different tasks. Today, though, you’re off the mark all the way around. You’re going full speed ahead when the work requires a sensitive touch and you’re as slow as a sloth when quick thinking is called for. Fortunately, being out of alignment won’t last long enough to leave you a pauper.



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