Taurus Daily Forecast
If you truly want to achieve harmony with a grumpy friend right now, you need to get centered yourself. Stop doing what you think they want you to do and start just being real. When you strip away all the anxiety about what to say and how to act, you can see things much more clearly, and the answer will be clear. And get ready to do more than your fair share to make things right between the two of you.
Your head is firmly attached to your shoulders, but you might want to try plugging in your heart. They need to work together, not separately, if you want to make a connection.
Your partner isn’t able to spell out exactly what they need. Heck, they’re so tied up in knots they don’t even realize that they need something. Learn to read the signs and cues, and ask if you’re unclear.
Yesterday went either really well or really badly, depending on how well you played the game. But however the cards were played, your hand should still be kept close to your chest. Don’t let others know your numbers.