Cancer Daily Forecast

It’s strategically smart to be flexible with your co-workers from time to time, but don’t let things go too far. You don’t want to set a precedent that you are some sort of pushover. Speak up if you start feeling like a doormat, and don’t be shy about protecting your territory or clarifying a misunderstanding. Sometimes the only way to get respect is to demand it. A quiet word to the right person will get you all the satisfaction you need, and it will show others that you don’t mess around.
Does your crush run hot and cold? Don’t blame yourself for the sudden temperature changes. Emotions can be thrown out of whack for reasons outside your control.
Try to see things from your partner’s perspective today. While you may not change your mind, you might get a better understanding of their point of view. Try to meet them in the middle.
If not thinking about finance is out of character for you, then consider this your day to practice. You shouldn’t be making any decisions involving money, so put all thoughts of it out of your head altogether.