Cancer Daily Forecast

Taking an impersonal point of view is the right approach, especially this afternoon when the folks around you could be playing some major emotional games. If you’re in a professional situation when this happens, distance yourself as quickly as possible and let the higher-ups know you have nothing to do with the soap opera. If you’re in a personal situation, skip the sweet-talking and face up to being honest with the people stirring up the pot.
You’re likely to be bounding out of bed, freshly inspired and looking fantastic. By later in the day, plan for some downtime. Check your messages and catch up with an old friend on the phone.
Today gets off to a slow start, but you’re not in a rush. The mood between you and your partner is peaceful, so relax and enjoy a stress-free day. May today set the tone for the days to come.
You’re doing research in your own, special way. Whether you’re planning a surprise party or sending a present long distance, your mind is on anything but your worries. Good way to stay grounded in a storm, Capricorn.