Gemini Daily Forecast
Get creative and try to get more social with people. Not only are your social skills better than ever, but there are tons of people who miss you and would love to spend some time with you, even virtually. You might prefer to just read a good book right about now, but that isn’t a wise thing to do when your popularity is about to explode. Push yourself to be more outgoing and friendly. Just give an hour of your time. A little is better than nothing.
Don’t plan heavy, long-term stuff today. Let the big things wait a little longer so you can blow off some steam with friends you haven’t seen lately. Have a blast without worrying about the future.
Your inner critic is rearing its fussy little head, and it could be putting the brakes on your romance. Put aside problems and have some fun together.
You’re feeling more emotional than ever. In fact, your nerves are raw. It might not be pleasant, but it’s a definite improvement over the cold, calculating you of just a year ago.