Libra Daily Forecast
You’re well known for your personal magnetism and amazing ability to persuade people to do almost anything. When someone who seems too perfect arrives, you do everything you can to get them to spend time alone with you. If they’re already with you, it’s even better! You don’t work any less hard or any less sweetly, and they’re just as happy as they were the first time around. If they’re not yours yet, expect that to change pretty soon.
Tidying up at home or at work should help you feel more balanced for the time being. It might seem silly, but you’re pretty sensitive to your surroundings. Make them homey!
Shooting your mouth off is fun (and amusing), but try to keep one eye on your sweetheart. Normally they enjoy hearing you riff, but touching on a sensitive subject could inadvertently hurt his or her feelings.
Loans are coming due, or is that just a dolphin in the distance? Don’t wait to find out. Start paying off more than your minimums or you’ll soon see the unmistakable dorsal fin you’ve been dreading.