Leo Daily Forecast
You’re encouraged to live up to your full potential. If there are goals you have so far been unable to reach, you might consider hiring a life coach or other teacher who can help you make this happen. The focus is on self-improvement and self-expression. Your aim will likely be bigger and better than before, and this could mean stepping out into the unknown. You’ll be eager to test yourself and take on challenges that also double as learning experiences.
Someone quite distant figures prominently when it comes to your love life today. Maybe an old friend or family member has important advice for you, so make sure you’re available, and be as proactive as you can.
Others may misinterpret you, but your partner got you right from the start. Discuss your fears of feeling distorted and get ideas on how to straighten out first impressions.
You can learn a lot by watching children. It’s not just their ability to have fun but their creativity that you’ve forgotten. Take their approach to play and apply it to the money making basics.