Leo Daily Forecast
Put your household at the top of your priority list. There has been some tension growing there, and you need to try to create more harmony. It won’t take much. All you have to do is start a conversation that needs to take place. Then things will move forward from there and you can find a resolution before you know it. Anticipating these kinds of conversations is always worse than actually having them!
Your heart’s important, but your mind needs nourishment too. Give it something to chew on like a lecture or a film and you’ll also have something fascinating to tell the next intriguing person you meet.
Something that’s been troubling you gets resolved when you’re able to come to an understanding with your partner. Your ability to work things through is what keeps your relationship strong.
Focusing your thoughts on others makes you feel good. You have the perfect excuse to spend plenty of time doing just that. But a word to the wise: Don’t put as much money into it as you put time.