Daily Forecast Virgo 11-04


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Be very careful not to let yourself get caught up in a power struggle today. You might think you’re on the right side, but how do you really know? It’s just not worth the risk if the wrong person loses out and starts looking at you in a different light. In order to preserve your reputation, you’ve got to refuse to choose sides. That might not make everyone happy, but you’ll end up in a better place by not aligning yourself one way or the other.

Singles Lovescope

While others are happy to simply embrace whatever comes, you might find yourself asking more (and bigger) questions than ever. Go for it! Conversations with people can be especially fruitful now.

Couple Lovescope

Your quick social reflexes save the day again. You know just when to step in with a quip, comment, or question. No wonder your partner loves having you around. You shine like the gem that you are.


If the fire has gone out of your finances, the fault lies fully with the market. Or does it? Stoke yourself up about what’s still working in your portfolio, then go out and explore new possibilities.



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