Daily Forecast Libra 11-06


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You have to remember that just because you’re moving at a rapid pace doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re getting a lot done. You’ve got to learn the difference between being busy and being productive. Your legs may be moving, but aren’t you just jogging in place? Slow down today. Regain your bearings. Examine the situation and plot your course using strategy and cold logic. Running willy-nilly all around won’t help you make any progress.

Singles Lovescope

Most of the time you shouldn’t take things (date cancellations, unreturned emails) personally. Some things you can take personally if you want. Like if they say they really like your haircut.

Couple Lovescope

You don’t even have to try to make today special. You’re just a pleasure to be around. Your creativity and sense of fun make even a trip to the grocery store a great date.


Spending money is fun, but so is saving it. Drooling over your statements is your newest pastime. While others gnash their teeth and moan, you smile, at least inwardly. Consider yourself one of the lucky few.



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