Leo Daily Forecast
You’re good at a lot of things. Table tennis, map reading, coloring inside the lines, picking up useful phrases in foreign languages, dividing portions equally, predicting the future based on lessons learned in the past. Any or all of these might be strengths of yours. Another thing you’re good at, no question, is keeping in touch with the people you care about and letting them know in all kinds of creative ways that you care.
Tired of waiting for someone to ask you out? You can do the initiating. Scope out the situation, and make your move when the time is right. The other person will be glad you took the lead.
Your partner’s got something up their sleeve! You’ll have to wait to find out what it is, but you’re sure to love it when you do find out. It’s these little surprises that keep your love fresh. You never know what’s coming next!
Curbing your impulses is more than just one of life’s contests or a test of your character. It’s downright mandatory if you want to survive financial turmoil. Reign yourself in.