Daily Forecast Libra 11-28


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You started talking more yesterday, and you haven’t quite been able to stop yet. Fortunately, you’ve had an admiring, appreciative audience who hasn’t wanted you to stop, not even long enough to take a breath. But you’re tired now. Your batteries are beginning to wind down. Better make some witty closing comments and find a place to hide out (with one last admirer, of course).

Singles Lovescope

When was the last time you did something really great for yourself? If you can’t remember, it’s time to remedy the situation! Treat yourself to an indulgent date. Savor every minute and know that you deserve it.

Couple Lovescope

Beat the blahs with some fun with your partner outdoors. No matter the weather, you can find an activity to share. Hiking, skating, camping, anyone? Take turns picking.


When others look to you for answers, you have none. But when they come to you for advice, you’re overflowing. Don’t let yourself get creative with it, though. Stick to cold, hard reality.



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