Aquarius Daily Forecast
Today’s astrological menu calls for a great big helping of intrigue, mystery, and secrets of only the most delicious kind. If you’re asked to keep quiet about a certain issue, you’ll definitely do it. You’re a pro at that sort of thing, after all. No one says you can’t enjoy being in the loop. Just try to control your facial expressions. You never were much good at poker.
Go right ahead and lean on friends and family today. They can help pick out a great outfit or just listen while you bemoan the state of your love life. They’re definitely there for you now more than ever.
If something has been nagging at you, bring your troubles to your loved one and ask for their advice. They’ll be able to view your situation from a fresh perspective and offer you a different point of view.
The longer you put off a small financial complaint, the bigger it grows inside you. You’ll finally get your message across in an ugly way if you let things go that far. Why wait? Communicate now, while it’s only slightly hard to do.