Daily Forecast Gemini 12-06


Gemini Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Spend your money quickly today and you’ll be feeling the sting in your wallet a lot longer than you ever expected to! Take any transactions slowly, and don’t use your plastic if you can avoid it. Impulse buys require much more financial commitment than you realize. Commitment is an issue in one of your friendships, too — they want more of your time than you’re willing to give. Make it clear what your boundaries are before they get the wrong idea.

Singles Lovescope

Quiet down and slow down. Give things a little time to percolate, and do some listening instead of keeping that motormouth running. Ask the right questions and think about the answers.

Couple Lovescope

Your partner wants to go out, but you feel like staying in. See if you can convince them to spend some quiet time together tonight.


Buying is the only way you can think of to do something for yourself. Not only is it unimaginative, it’s actually draining. The thing inside you begging for your attention needs more than consumer goods to be satisfied.



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