Virgo Daily Forecast
Stop worrying (even though it’s one of the things you’re best at). You’ve followed all the rules and done things right, even in the eyes of those higher-ups who were looking to find fault with you. In short, you’ve been tested and found to be right on top of your game. So, if one of the powers that be seems to be acting oddly, force yourself to relax. Who knows what’s going on in their world?
A big bundle of fantastic energy is headed your way, so make the search for love a top priority. You can get work done some other time — you’re hot as can be, so get out there!
An impulse could point the two of you in the right direction. Following your instincts is a great way to get started as long as you make sure those instincts are coming from a place of pure intention.
Being conscientious doesn’t seem to be getting you anywhere, but it’s still the right thing to do. Working hard is its own reward — and the monetary rewards are further down the road.