Aquarius Daily Forecast
Long-distance friends and lovers are on your mind and in your heart, and you might even be moved to hit the road. That goes double if you have something to celebrate! Just don’t forget that someone or perhaps even a couple of someones would like to join you. Call them, make some plans, and get ready to rock.
Open your mind extra wide when dealing with new people or online romantic prospects. Your unconscious mind is an excellent judge, especially right now. Watch for warning signs, and watch for the tingles.
Looks like life could be pretty busy for you at the moment. Amid all the activity – both around you and in your head – you’ll want to take care in interacting with your partner.
Don’t let yourself get all bent out of shape by the mere mention of a financial strategy you don’t agree with. For one thing, just because it’s been suggested doesn’t mean you’re obligated to act on it. Be gracious and the moment will pass. Be inflexible and it will feel like an eternity.