Aquarius Daily Forecast
You need intense, meaningful conversation right now, and anyone who deliberately tries to avoid the issues via pointless, trivial chitchat receives their due. You’re happy to dispense a chilly stare and a quick glimpse of the back of your head. On the other hand, if you’ve been deliberately avoiding a topic that someone close has been trying to bring up for weeks, you change your tune in a hurry. You may even be so wildly enthusiastic that they might wish they’d have waited!
You look like success today, but your initial reaction may be sabotage. You wanted this, so why are you undermining it? Just savor the results and enjoy it. Don’t let things slide into oblivion!
If you’ve recently met someone you’d like to get to know better, invite them to join your social circle, and encourage your partner to do the same. New friends will only add to your already rich life.
If you have hidden strengths, then you also have hidden limitations. Don’t keep them secrets until they rear their heads. Avoiding certain financial situations won’t make them go away.