Aquarius Daily Forecast
Your focus on building up your bank account and adding to your material wealth is starting to slow down just as your social life is starting to speed up! This is perfect timing for you and your friends because there are a ton of interesting things coming up and you need to switch your focus toward more altruistic pursuits. Volunteering your time in helping make your community (however you define it) a better place should be high on your agenda.
Maintain flexibility in the face of sudden changes to your social plans. You never know. Maybe the party that a friend of a friend is having will be crawling with cuties.
Don’t be surprised if your partner seems a little distant today. Ask them if there’s anything they want to talk about, but don’t pressure them. You may just need to give them some space.
Things haven’t warmed up enough for you to take on any new projects yet but it’s definitely beginning to thaw. You can smell a kind of financial spring on the breeze. It makes sense to organize yourself and prepare now, so you’ll be ready for honing your rows when the right time comes.