Aquarius Daily Forecast

Despite the way things might have looked yesterday, today you are finally able to reach a compromise with a friend, even if it’s just that the two of you agree to disagree! Closure is important to you right now, so you’re going to want to repay any money you owe, finalize any social plans, and double-check any appointments that were tentative. Things are starting to slow down a bit in your life, and it’s getting much easier to manage everyday details.
You’re so fixated on locating that one certain someone, you’re not even aware of your current capacity to charm whole roomfuls of people. All you have to do is show up.
Listen to what your loved one is saying to you, and not just their words. Pay attention to their body language, too. They’re giving you plenty of clues about what they need from you.
Someone is trying to erode your authority. It’s a subtle thing so pay attention. It may seem like a small issue here and there that’s not worth dealing with, but do the right thing and handle it now. It will cost you dearly later.