Aquarius Daily Forecast

An authority figure who seems to have been less than forthcoming lately is just about ready to come clean and tell you exactly what’s been going on. But that’s no reason to worry. The news will be good, especially if you’re brave enough to start the conversation yourself. And when have you been anything less than brave? Get business out of the way early. Tonight was made for romance.
It’s time to give up your old-fashioned ideas about what’s proper. In fact, you should release everything that’s yours and see what stays. Love can’t find you if your life is crowded with old junk!
Treat your fellow humans with grace and respect. This is a good time for you and your partner to choose a cause and work on it together. Being charitable opens your hearts to each other.
If you simply refrain from spending for the day, you will have achieved a lot. And considering that it’s your typical day to reach for your wallet, that will take a Herculean effort on your part. But you have it in you to exert the kind of self-control called for, even if it leaves you sweating bullets.