Daily Forecast Aquarius 05-07


Aquarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Your creativity is on a huge upswing, so give it plenty of room to soar! Clear your schedule and make sure you have some breathing room to let your imagination ignite. Too much outside stimulation will inhibit your ideas and narrow your thinking. Let the hours of the day flow, and suddenly the people you find fascinating will find you fascinating right back! Now is the time to put things back together in an entirely new way.

Singles Lovescope

How insightful are you when it comes to the ways of the heart? You’ve been single for so long that sometimes it’s easy to forget how to woo someone special. Being observant pays off.

Couple Lovescope

Communication is easy as pie and just as delicious for you two right now. You can discuss just about anything. Your brainwaves are clicking at the same rate, and the jokes are flying fast and furious.


You deserve to be treated like gold tonight. Making a good dinner won’t do the trick. You need someone else to make it for you. Whether that means being waited on hand and foot or ordering take out, make sure you don’t break the bank.



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