Aquarius Daily Forecast

Those who have power over you right now aren’t very intellectually curious, which is a bit of a disappointment. It looks like if they get their way, things are going to be boring and predictable. But they are more open-minded to suggestions than you might think, so why not offer a few of your own? Step up and you might be able to take over. It will be easy for you to stir up the other active people who have been waiting for someone like you to inspire them.
Hop out of bed and do your flirting early in the day, because by this afternoon the stars have some other stuff in mind for you. Nothing terrible, but nothing terribly romantic.
Show enthusiasm for your loved one’s interests today, and encourage them to share their passions with you. You may find they also become intriguing to you once you give them a try.
You want nothing to do with anything light weight or casual. If you don’t feel utterly absorbed in what you are doing, then don’t even bother with it. Cost is not the issue, your mind is.