Aquarius Daily Forecast

The stars right now just love intensity, depth, and drama, okay, and maybe even melodrama, and they’re totally focused on one-on-one relationships. Needless to say, whatever you’re feeling is all on the surface right now. You’re going to be amazed by how easy it is to get you to spill the beans. If you have the right audience, though, it might be the best thing to do. Just let it all out.
You’re feeling warm through much of the day, with friends and even strangers inspired by your energy. Later tonight, though, your personal energy starts to feel burning hot to all the right people!
You may have trouble making up your mind today. All of your options seem so good! Ask your sweetie for their input, then go with what feels right. You can’t make a bad choice.
The economy is, at its core, a social system and how people feel affects everything. If you are feeling moody and slow, then chances are so are others. Can you see how that affects your bottom line?