Aquarius Daily Forecast

People from different backgrounds or cultures could play an important role in your life today. Their charm and friendliness can provide you with the positive reinforcement you need, and they’ll make you feel much more comfortable in an awkward situation. To foster this spirit of open-mindedness, be prepared to create a place where new people can meet and mingle. A social event like a dinner party or even bowling can help cultures meld instead of collide.
It’s time to eliminate distractions or you could lose sight of what’s really important. Things are potentially cooking between you and a new prospect. Keeping your energies concentrated is crucial right now.
A little drama spices up your relationship, but you want to make sure that it stays in the realm of fun and games. If it goes too far, it’ll just seem like a chore (and could become a self-fulfilling prophecy).
You love nothing more than your calculator. If other people don’t get it, don’t bother explaining. It may seem useless to go over the same numbers again and again and again, but you’re making sure nothing has been misread.