Aquarius Daily Forecast

If you ‘re starting a new situation today, don’t put pressure on yourself to be a superstar right off the bat. You need to give yourself all the time you require to get a handle on your new routine, new environment, or new group of folks around you. The empathy shown you today will encourage you to relax and just be yourself. There is a freedom in letting go of the expectations you put on yourself. Your job today is to learn, not impress.
Seeking harmony in an already busy lifestyle might seem impossible, but with some work and patience you could be on your way. Cut back on projects and events that don’t give you much return on your investment.
Will you capitalize on the good energy the stars are sending when it comes to your relationship? With a positive outlook and lots of creative communication, you can address whatever’s going on now.
The time to indulge your every whim is in the past. At least you’re learning what really counts. A rumpled old bill is worth just as much as a crisp new one. Apply that discovery to other areas of your life.