Aquarius Daily Forecast

Take the lead in a confusing situation today — it will be exhilarating, it will be fun, and it will win you big points with important people. And don’t shy away from giving out orders or creating an agenda for the group. You know what you’re doing, so have confidence. Believe it or not, if you just say what you feel strongly enough, the others will agree with you! The tone of your voice will command their respect and earn their alliance — which is a very powerful thing.
Are you investing all you’ve got in one person or plan and getting nothing in return? You may have reached your limit. Now is the time to cut your losses, especially if this all revolves around your love life.
That secret little hope you’ve got for the two of you – why so secret? Saying it out loud brings it closer to reality. Try whispering it to yourself, sharing it with a friend, or even letting your partner in on it. Why not?
Everyone needs to slow down and take a breath. In fact, you have no choice. If you’ve made your career your top concern, then it may feel a bit awkward, but it won’t take long for you to get the hang of it.