Aquarius Daily Forecast

Your mind is extremely sharp today, and it’s eager to organize! Now don’t go out of your way to look for chaotic situations, but you should by all means welcome new ideas, changes in plans, and new additions to the schedule. Get ready to start one of the most challenging and rewarding phases of life than you’ve had in a very long time. This is a powerful time for collaboration too. If anyone out there wants to pitch in on your projects, you should let them!
Honesty is a great thing when it comes to your dating profile. Maybe you’re not ready for a big, heavy romance right now, and that’s okay. You can still mingle in cyberspace. If you’re looking for friendship, companionship sans sex, say it. You’ll meet plenty of others who want the same.
A period of transformation is about to begin for you. Think about what you’d like your future to look like, and start taking steps to make it happen. Things are looking very bright for you and your sweetheart.
If you had your druthers, you’d be tucked inside your shell day in and day out. Unfortunately, you have business to attend to. You’re sticking your neck out both literally and financially today. There’s no other way to deal with the tasks at hand.