Daily Forecast Aquarius 11-11


Aquarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Has your heart been bruised recently? You’re feeling so sensitive that the slightest emotional prod could cause a big lump to form in your throat or send you running out of the room in tears. The unwitting agent of your distress may need as much consolation as you do. They will be shocked that their innocuous remark elicited such a reaction. You definitely need some solitary time to sort through your thoughts and feelings.

Singles Lovescope

Feeling frisky? That’s no surprise. A bright-eyed, bushy-tailed energy is coursing through you. It’ll be impossible to keep you in one place, so keep moving.

Couple Lovescope

A miscommunication leads to an upset partner. Recognize what’s going on, and talk it through. You may find yourself having to apologize for something. It won’t be long before you’re back on track though.


You are feeling good and for no apparent reason. Nothing about any of your statements would indicate the kind of mood you’re in. But one obviously doesn’t relate to another or you’d be in a much different state of mind. Enjoy it while it lasts and don’t think twice about your finances.



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