Aquarius Daily Forecast

Someone close has recently come to you for a favor, and being the local expert when it comes to friendship, your first impulse is to go for it. If you harbor even one tiny doubt about their motives, you need to get to the bottom of the matter quickly. This doesn’t mean you have to reconsider whatever it is they’ve asked you to do or your friendship, just that some due diligence is essential.
Romance and fun always are the ideal mix when planning a first date. Opt for something creative. Plan a scavenger hunt for two at a flea market. Go to an amusement park. Play nighttime croquet.
The issue that’s emerging now is only as monumental as the two of you make it. Take a break and do something completely different. A good laugh puts things in perspective remarkably well.
Some of your big plans are grounded, but it’s only temporarily. You and your bottom line will be soaring soon enough. Use this down time to figure out exactly where you want to go and what you want to achieve once you are back up and running.