Daily Forecast Aquarius 11-26


Aquarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Someone who holds sway over a group you belong to is not acting completely honestly right now. You’ll see their subterfuge right away, but not everyone else will. And if they fall for this person’s act, you’ll be the one to suffer for it. Therefore, you need to watch out for others who might be gullible. Be the voice of reason. Being protective of the people you work with is not going to be construed as insulting or condescending. It will be recognized as valuable!

Singles Lovescope

When you finally confess how you feel about someone special, make sure you’re clear about what you need from the relationship. Vague comments about your needs won’t do you any good. Speak from the heart.

Couple Lovescope

Your willingness to do whatever it takes has made your relationship strong. Tonight, do something special for just the two of you and enjoy the love you’ve made.


You have no choice but to get a move on. There just won’t be any time to accomplish what you need to do if you don’t do it now. There’s a lot more than money at stake, but money is the most obvious of the things you risk losing.



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