Daily Forecast Aquarius 12-23


Aquarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Creating an intellectual connection with someone is easier than you think. It just requires you to be bold. If you need to make headway with someone, today is the day to push forward. Put in just a little bit more effort than you might be comfortable with. Have no fear. Someone will be there to give you the moral support you think you need. Of course, don’t be surprised if you end up being just fine on your own! You have the brains to take the conversation in all the right directions.

Singles Lovescope

Duplicity is on the rise, and it’s coming from someone you least expect. That’s why it’s up to you to practice extra diligence in your dating endeavors. Reframe questions; ask for clarification. If you get that icky feeling, don’t stick around.

Couple Lovescope

You said this with such good intentions, but your partner might take it in the opposite way you intended. Misunderstandings happen. Fortunately, you have just the right way to smooth things over.


You have a lot to deal with today, and unfortunately it’s all old business. You could use something new as a pick-me-up but don’t hold your breath. You’ll save yourself some extra interest and penalties if you tackle the issues at hand first.



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