Daily Forecast Aquarius 12-25


Aquarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You’re usually pretty good at gauging the mood of the person you’re keeping company with, especially if you’re interested in more than just a friendship. At the moment, though, you’re not quite sure which of your usual tactics to employ. Obviously, there’s only one thing to do: engage them in one of those casual conversations masked as a skillful interview, and within a matter of moments you’ll know exactly how to proceed.

Singles Lovescope

You’re feeling rather silly about the social gaffe you made right in front of your crush. So it comes as a relief when you learn they didn’t think a thing of it. Your charm and easygoing style make it easy to smooth over social missteps and put people at ease.

Couple Lovescope

You’ve been working really hard, it’s time to show off a little! Treat yourself and your partner to something fabulous. Go on and splurge on the good stuff. You deserve it.


Nothing beats a pair of rose colored glasses. Stay focused on the one person who helps you see the best in everything, including yourself. They are worth more than their weight in gold. The real trick is panning through the debris to find them.



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