Aries Daily Forecast
It’s time to get totally flirtatious today. You’ve been making eye contact at that cutie for a while now, and where has it gotten you? Maybe a jolt of excitement here and there, but no real progress has been made. Luckily, there is no better time than today to kick it up a notch. Linger a little bit longer with that eye contact. Say hello. Ask about their weekend. Start some harmless small talk and just see where it goes.
When you’re bouncing off the walls with energy, you’re totally and completely unstoppable. Under these circumstances, you can have anyone you want. What’s holding you back? Someone’s game and you know who it is. Make the first move.
Brainstorm with your partner to find a solution to a problem that’s been vexing you. When you work together, you’ll come up with ideas neither of you would have thought of on your own.
You deserve the best, it goes without saying. But can you afford it? It doesn’t take much analysis to know the answer; all it really takes is some brutal honesty, and you deserve that, too.