Aries Daily Forecast
Today, try to gently push all your conversations toward serious topics. Steer the talk away from the latest music, hottest new clubs or juiciest celebrity gossip — you’re going to find all of that too boring and tedious to deal with. And since you will be surrounded by people who are capable of deep and meaningful conversations, you should take advantage of that. It’s a great day to ask probing questions and get a fresh education you’ll never forget.
Are you passing over romantic prospects simply because they like a book you don’t or have a favorite cuisine you’re not crazy about? Pickiness is running rampant in your world now, and it’s not doing you any favors.
There might be more to this situation than meets the eye, even your discerning one. If your partner is acting or doing something that doesn’t seem quite right, use your powers of deduction to figure out what’s off.
You’ll reevaluate your values, even if it’s not by choice. If you need a hint, putting yourself first doesn’t have to have anything to do with overspending or touching your credit card.