Aries Daily Forecast

You might want to change your phone number or email address in order to get a little privacy and relaxation. Everyone knows that your parties are legendary, and they want on the guest list. At work, your bosses know full well that when it comes to getting people organized and motivated, you’re the right person for the job. Though you adore being in such high demand, it’s past time for you to reject at least a few of these requests just to maintain your sanity.
Make a karmic investment today. Do something nice for someone or help a stranger, but don’t tell anyone or it won’t count. This good energy will push you in a new and interesting direction.
You’re feeling good and strong right now, so it’s the perfect time to revisit your innermost self and figure out if you’re on the right track or if you need a little shift in a new direction.
Sometimes sticking to the discounts takes more discipline than you can muster. If it feels like one of those days, then it goes without saying you should avoid spending. Even necessities are better avoided today. You’ll only use them as your excuse for paying top dollar for what can be bought for pennies.