Aries Daily Forecast

If you get stuck in a situation that could escalate into a confrontation, use your sense of humor to defuse things. If an annoying or pushy person comes into your world today, crack a joke to let them know you’re not intimidated by them or amused by their antics. They’ll get the message loud and clear and fall right in line. Plus, when you deliver your wit, you’ll also be entertaining the people who are watching you cut them down to size.
Today, do something that goes against your nature: Say no. You’re operating on information overload — it’s as if everyone wants a piece of you. Save your sanity and bow out of unnecessary social obligations.
It’s the little touches that keep your daily romance lively – a few loving details add a lot to your quality of life. Bring your partner small gifts. Be kind and generous with one another.
Money really can buy you happiness. Otherwise, why are you so miserable without it? Focus on things like friendship if you want to learn a lasting lesson on the subject.