Daily Forecast Aries 05-03


Aries Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Is someone disappointing you? Keep in mind that the word “friendship” means different things to different people. Be careful not to make any assumptions about what this new friendship is all about. They have different ideas about what they want out of this partnership than you do. The good news is that they might well want more than you do! Start a discussion with them about just what is going on here. What they tell you will probably open the door to a whole new level of fun!

Singles Lovescope

Your energy is perfectly in line with your romantic desires right now, so it’s a great time for you to get moving in the right direction. Start planning some dates or fun times out with friends that you can enjoy in the months ahead. !

Couple Lovescope

Did one of you blurt something out without thinking? Hey, it happens to everybody now and then. If you’re the blurter, apologize quickly and sincerely. If it was your partner, accept their apology without any resentment.


Finding out exactly what happened to your money last night is an excellent idea, but don’t bother looking inward to find the big picture. Wondering what you did wrong is a complete waste of emotional energy this time and being moody won’t help things, either.



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