Aries Daily Forecast
You have so much emotional strength. Why not take advantage of it and tackle a touchy subject today? It’s time to clear the air with someone you’ve got a messy history with. Hearing hard truths is never fun, but getting rid of misconceptions and talking about differences is a great way to transform or rediscover yourself. Don’t deprive yourself of the opportunity to have a profound growth experience just because you don’t want to have an awkward conversation.
It’s a great time for teamwork this morning, but tonight is better suited to alone time. Do some brainstorming with friends early today, but take tonight to relax and recharge before moving forward with them.
You love to spend time with your partner, but setting aside time for yourself is important, too. Strive to find a balance between these two areas of your life, and encourage your loved one to do the same.
The upside to your new situation is that you get to see things from another perspective. But that’s not to say you’ll be enlightened by it. For that, you need to look deeper than your bank account.