Aries Daily Forecast
You need to keep quiet about something you’re dying to talk about, which is absolute torture today, but it’s decidedly important under these circumstances. Try as hard as you can to distract yourself with something (or someone) pleasant, preferably hanging out with those who have absolutely no idea what’s going on. If you can, get out of the house or office and conveniently forget to pick up your phone on the way out.
If you act on that certain love-related impulse, you could end up feeling a little foolish (though you shouldn’t). If you don’t, you’ll always wonder what would’ve happened if you had.
Seek the advice of someone with whom you don’t usually discuss relationship matters. You and your darling might be stumped by the current situation facing the two of you. An outside perspective helps.
It seems like there’s always one person looking to make you miserable. They’re plotting your gloom at this very moment. Try killing them with kindness. That means pulling out all the stops and digging deep into your wallet.