Aries Daily Forecast

Energy is what it’s all about for you right now. You’re hotter than the sun, and you’ve got magnetic energy that draws others close. Everything goes your way no matter what you’re doing. If you need a table at the hottest restaurant in town, it’s a snap. If you’re angling for that corner office with the killer view, you’ve got it. The good times just keep on coming for you!
Your charisma is a powerful force today, so don’t fret when you stand out in a crowd. Turn that energy toward helping people who aren’t quite as comfy and tuned into social scenarios.
Have you thought about expanding your definition of what’s desirable in a relationship? If you do, you’ll find that the possibilities between the two of you grow too. It’s worth a shot.
You’re considering of doing some serious gambling. Hedge your bets by registering the reactions of others. Use your intuition to see if they’re impressed or appalled.