Aries Daily Forecast

Be careful with how you wield the power you’re given today. It isn’t something you can use without thinking just to boost your ego or serve up some just desserts to someone who’s done you wrong. If you need to bring together different people, don’t just push them into groups. Challenge them to form their own teams for their own reasons. If you trust people more, they’ll trust you more. This applies to co-workers, friends, and even relatives.
Constant deadlines are bringing you down, and it’s starting to affect your love life. Now is the time to call in some favors from colleagues who should be happy to help you get your life back on track.
Be generous to your sweetheart. Be generous to yourself. Heck, be generous to everyone in your vicinity. It’s true that the more you give, the more you get — and it’s not the return on material goods that count.
Know that your opinions aren’t set in stone. You are free to change them without justifying yourself to anyone. The bottom line will be all the justification you really need anyway.